für sys­tem­a­tis­che Kundenzufriedenheit
Syn­tak­tis­che und seman­tis­che Datenerfassung

for ener­gis­ing projects

Enabling intel­li­gent data flow

We com­pre­hend, trans­late, eval­u­ate and mon­i­tor data.
Enabled by rd -


High reli­a­bil­i­ty soft­ware for test bench­es, mea­sure­ment, diag­nos­tics,
mon­i­tor­ing, con­trol and data management.

rd elec­tron­ic devel­ops and main­tains soft­ware for reli­able use in test and pro­duc­tion lines. This soft­ware is the HMI and the mid­dle­ware between, for exam­ple, the ECUs installed in the auto­mo­bile and the PLC of an end-of-line test bench.

We include, if desired, stan­dards such as ASAM GDI or ASAM ODS. Our cus­tomers are either machine builders who upgrade their equip­ment for their end cus­tomer, or we are con­tract­ed direct­ly by the end cus­tomer. The scope of our ser­vices can be very com­plex and cov­ers in principle

  • Prob­lem analysis
  • Solu­tion iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and con­cept development
  • Soft­ware development
  • HMI design
  • Sup­port dur­ing (pre-)commissioning

through to gen­er­al con­tract­ing for the com­mis­sion­ing of the entire instal­la­tion — worldwide!

When using ASAM GDI in pro­duc­tive plants, we use our proven ASAM GDI FRAMEWORK, which is in use for decades. Our soft­ware prod­uct GINA (Gener­ic Inter­face Analy­sis Tool) is a pow­er­ful ASAM GDI tool. It ful­ly sup­ports device and plant man­u­fac­tur­ers as well as end cus­tomers in devel­op­ing and test­ing an ASAM GDI com­pli­ant plant or device dri­ver. GINA is also used as a test tool for pre-com­mis­sion­ing and fault iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. Impor­tant com­po­nents of GINA are

  • SKELETON, for auto­mat­ed code creation,
  • GDI PARSER, for run­time inter­pre­ta­tion of device and asset capa­bil­i­ty descrip­tions, and to sup­port the com­pan­ion creation.

We are your con­tact if you 

  • wish to receive gen­er­al advice,
  • need sup­port in the devel­op­ment or deploy­ment of a dri­ver accord­ing to ASAM GDI stan­dard or if you are look­ing for a ser­vice provider for this purpose,
  • intend an automa­tion solu­tion in gen­er­al, i.e. with or with­out ASAM GDI.

Our automa­tion offer is unlim­it­ed. Con­trol sys­tems and test bench­es for axle, steer­ing, head­lights, dri­ver assis­tance, dri­ve, crash test and the exam­ples list­ed below are only an excerpt.

Exam­ple EoL/Roller Test Bench­es for Automotive

The chas­sis dynamome­ter is a road sim­u­la­tion for test­ing the entire vehi­cle in var­i­ous dri­ving sit­u­a­tions, such as accel­er­a­tion, over­run, con­stant speed, brak­ing, and so on. The vehi­cle is posi­tioned with all wheels in a dou­ble roller. All rollers are mechan­i­cal­ly or elec­tri­cal­ly cou­pled and thus enable dri­ving con­di­tions up to 200 km/h. The vehi­cle is dri­ven by a tester who receives the dri­ving pro­file and han­dling instruc­tions via a screen. Sim­i­lar­ly designed chas­sis dynamome­ters are also used for homolo­ga­tion tests (approval tests) includ­ing exhaust gas mea­sure­ments, but with dif­fer­ent con­trol and visu­al­iza­tion soft­ware.
rd elec­tron­ic offers automa­tion sys­tems for end-of-line chas­sis dynamome­ters. Here, the tester is giv­en a speed pro­file which he must fol­low with the aid of the motor and brake. Instruc­tions are giv­en and ques­tions asked, which he must answer by remote con­trol. At the same time, the sta­tus of var­i­ous vehi­cle com­po­nents is queried via a wire­less con­nec­tion to the vehicle’s diag­nos­tic bus and con­trol unit activ­i­ties are trig­gered. The speed pro­file, the inspec­tor instruc­tions and ques­tions as well as the ECU diag­no­sis can be freely para­me­ter­ized by the pro­duc­tion plan­ner in a spe­cial edi­tor. The degrees of free­dom of the para­me­ter­i­za­tion are so com­pre­hen­sive that even spe­cial solu­tions such as a motor hot test on the EoL/roller test bench can be imple­ment­ed with­out soft­ware mod­i­fi­ca­tion. Var­i­ous mea­sure­ment tasks for elec­tric vehi­cles can also be per­formed sequen­tial­ly or in parallel.

Exam­ple of pre­cise fill­ing with/without flu­id conditioning

When vehi­cles are filled with flu­ids for the first time (brake flu­id, coolant, refrig­er­ant, fuels), it is nec­es­sary to con­trol the valves in the vehi­cle. The con­trol is only pos­si­ble via the con­trol units installed in the vehi­cle.
rd elec­tron­ic offers solu­tions for the infor­ma­tion-tech­no­log­i­cal cou­pling between the orig­i­nal vehi­cle inter­faces and the con­trol of the fill­ing sys­tem. Simul­ta­ne­ous fill­ing of sev­er­al flu­ids is pos­si­ble.
The solu­tion can be para­me­ter­ized by the cus­tomer and can be adapt­ed with lit­tle effort.

If you need more gen­er­al infor­ma­tion about our ser­vices in the field of Data Solu­tions and Soft­ware or about the ASAM GDI Stan­dard, we rec­om­mend our blog, too.

We are look­ing for chal­lenges and inter­est­ing prob­lems. As a part­ner, we would like to help you to achieve your goal. 

Get in touch with us!

We are look­ing for­ward to your mes­sage. Fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as pos­si­ble. You are also wel­come to con­tact us direct­ly by e‑mail or phone.

+49 89 2378 8900