umset­zen in exzel­lente Entwicklungen
Ideen, Wün­sche und Visionen
bess­er als die Norm
Elek­tro­mag­netis­che Verträglichkeit

Firmware Devel­op­ment

Embed­ded Applications

As ded­i­cat­ed firmware devel­op­ers we pro­vide intel­li­gent solu­tions for our own elec­tron­ic devel­op­ments for the B2B sec­tor. With the same com­mit­ment we also take care of the pro­gram­ming of the micro­con­trollers in your project. Our devel­op­ment work of hard- and firmware goes hand in hand. But we also sup­port you in trou­bleshoot­ing or rebuild­ing the firmware for an elec­tron­ic assem­bly that has not been devel­oped by us.

Learn more about our soft­ware and hard­ware devel­op­ment. Or read more about embed­ded appli­ca­tions in our blog.

Get in touch with us!

We are look­ing for­ward to your mes­sage. Fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as pos­si­ble. You are also wel­come to con­tact us direct­ly by e‑mail or phone.
+49 89 2378 8900