umset­zen in exzel­lente Entwicklungen
Ideen, Wün­sche und Visionen
bess­er als die Norm
Elek­tro­mag­netis­che Verträglichkeit

Hard­ware Development

Embed­ded Applications

We advise and sup­port you in the devel­op­ment of elec­tron­ic assem­blies and prod­ucts. We pro­vide the fol­low­ing ser­vices (excerpt):

  • Cre­ation of spec­i­fi­ca­tion documents
  • Design and devel­op­ment of elec­tron­ic hard­ware for
    • ana­log and dig­i­tal cir­cuit technology
    • Micro­con­troller applications
    • Bus tech­nolo­gies, e.g. CAN, LIN, MOST, OBD‑2, Ethernet
    • Wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion, e.g. WiFi 5, WiFi 6, Bluetooth
  • Cost-opti­mized print­ed cir­cuit board lay­out for manufacturing
  • Cre­ate or pre­pare the pro­duc­tion data
  • Pro­to­typ­ing
  • Trans­fer to ser­i­al production
  • Ensur­ing com­pli­ance with EU direc­tive 2011/65/EU (RoHS)
  • Query/maintenance of IMDS mate­r­i­al data records for safe­guard­ing and ver­i­fi­ca­tion of legal sub­stance reg­u­la­tions for com­plete vehi­cles and their spare parts 
  • Ensur­ing EMC and per­form­ing EMC measurements
  • Check­ing and testing
  • Real­iza­tion of spe­cial test devices and automa­tisms (EoL func­tion test)
  • Firmware devel­op­ment
  • Com­pli­ance with stan­dards in the auto­mo­tive sector
  • Imple­men­ta­tion or sup­port for the demon­stra­tion of CE conformity

Learn more about our soft­ware and firmware devel­op­ment. Or read more about embed­ded appli­ca­tions in our blog.

Get in touch with us!

We are look­ing for­ward to your mes­sage. Fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as pos­si­ble. You are also wel­come to con­tact us direct­ly by e‑mail or phone.
+49 89 2378 8900